GrowerSELECT® Installation Manuals Binder

Hog Slat Inc. Newton Grove, NC USA May 2017 16 GROW-DISK ™ Feed System 3. Confirm corner wheels running direction corresponds with direction of feed travel in the conveyer tubes. Note: Mark running direction at the conveyer tubes at each corner . 4. Pull the chain through the conveyer tubes and all corners, in direction as shown. The conveyer chain must be tight on the cast iron wheel. (additional information see GROW-DISK™ Chain Installation) Note: All corners remain open until the installation of the chain has been completed. 5. Place the washer (spacer) on top of wheel bearing 6. Sealing Tubes in Corner – Apply a thick silicone strip over the conveyer tubes. 7. Place cover over all corners and lay the eccentric washers on top of the axle and place them into the socket of the covers as shown above. Place all bolts and nuts and tighten them by hand to hold the cover in position. Check the position of the tubes before you tighten all fasteners crosswise with a wrench. Caution: Do NOT over tighten nuts. Important: Cast Iron wheel is designed to turn in only one direction. Arrow on top of wheel indicates running direction.