GrowerSELECT® Installation Manuals Binder

Hog Slat Inc. Newton Grove, NC USA May 2017 21 GROW-DISK ™ Feed System GROW-DISK™ Outlet Drop Assembling / Installation HS660S Model 60 Drop Adaptor – Straight Chain Disk The GrowerSELECT HS660S Feed Line Drop Adaptor is designed to allow the transfer of feed from a feed line or Feed Delivery System into a gravity Drop Tube at desired location along the Feed Delivery System. They are to be used only with 2.375” diameter chain disk tubes. GrowerSELECT Part Item Name HS660S 1 Outlet Adapter * 2 Cover * 3 Shutoff * 4 Green Ball HS655-5 5 Red Ball HS655-6 6 Rope ----- 8 Clamp HSHC-36 * Not Sold Separately